Журнал. World association for medical law. The COVID-19 pandemic. Volume 39 2

334 Medicine and Law The health systems and economies of most countries are seriously affected by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Though all working towards protection of health, the countries’ practices of responding to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak differ. For the developing countries, it is especially challenging to effectively address the pandemic. The experience of Ukraine may be of interest to researchers and policymakers of nations striving for political democracy and economic growth as well as those that have achieved these goals. This paper is aimed at discussing the Ukrainian legal responses to challenges brought by the novel coronavirus infection; the institutional and legislative framework that determined the peculiarities of the taken measures and their implications; as well as the lessons one can learn from the Ukrainian experience. INTRODUCTION Ukraine inherited an extensive healthcare system from the Soviet Union 1 . Although it was designed to ensure universal healthcare coverage, Ukraine’s health system was “ sclerotic and basically based on the Semashko model with very rigid public finance management procedures ” (Health Stategic Advisory Group, 2014) . In modern conditions, it has become ineffective even with some incremental changes. The most recent attempt of reform was initiated in 2014, dealing with medical care and public health though the emphasis was on healthcare financing. Based on the “ money follows the patient ” principle 3 , the primary care reform was completed. April 1, 2020 was determined as the starting point for the second stage of the healthcare reform (focusing on specialized care) 4 . Top Ukrainian healthcare officials declared the necessity of substantial changes to the overall reform and correction of any mistakes committed (Stepanov, 2020) 5 . Anticorruption reform, the reform of state governance, judicial and other systems, were launched simultaneously 1 Recommendations of the Parliamentary Hearings on the Issue “On Healthcare Reform in Ukraine.” Approved by Act of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine dated 21 April 2016 No. 1338-VIII. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1338-19#Text. 2 Health Strategic Advisory Group 2014, National Health Reform Strategy for Ukraine 2015-2020. URL: https://en.moz.gov.ua/uploads/0/16-strategy_eng.pdf. 3 The Concept of the Reform of Health Care System Financing. Approved by the Enactment of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 30 November 2016 No. 1013-p. URL: https:// zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1013-2016-%25D1%2580. 4 Law of Ukraine “On the State Financial Guarantees for Medical Care of the Population” dated 19 October 2017 No. 2168-VIII. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2168-19. 5 Максим Степанов: Ми суттєво змінимо медичну реформу в Україні, враховуючи